Monday, August 27, 2007

Two weeks notice!

Well, I did it!! I gave my two weeks notice! I'm glad I decided to leave but I find myself feeling bad that I'm leaving such a great company that has treated me so well. I have worked for this company for 2 years now and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be apart of it! But I have to protect myself. The company is making a lot of changes such as mergers and layoffs! I can't be one of the people they lay off and with me not being a full escrow officer yet, I would be!! I'm just a little nervous starting a new job. But I'm sure it will be good and I already know that my manager will be wonderful!! Wish me luck!!!!


Rich Angie said...

Wow, that was fast! So you decided to follow your previous manager, right?

Kasey said...

Sometimes leaving something you think or thought was so great is actually an oppurtunity for something greater. Trust me! Rocky eneded up getting fired from a job we thought was so good to us. That was the best thing that ever happened to him. We are in a way better place now because of it. It will all be okay!

Heidi said...

Change is hard, but sometimes we have to let ourselves get a little uncomfortable so we can grow.. and at the same time it is a little exciting not knowing exactly what lies ahead. I hope everything goes well, I'm sure it will, you are such a cutie-everyone loves you!!