Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Crazy Times!!!!!

Okay, so I decided to stay at my old job! I know I was supposed to go but I got to "thinking" and actually took my emotions out of it!! Yes I would have loved to stay with my old manager but I realized it was purely emotional attachment. She was great to work for but I would have never moved up in my career while working for her. She was going to keep me where it worked best for her! Since I've decided to stay I have already gotten a better office and I am working as a team with my escrow officer (that also decided to stay)! I feel great about this decision! I just hope the company is done with there lay offs!! Otherwise I am not going to be a happy camper! I just have to keep bringing in money and I will be fine!!! In which, since I've decided to stay, I have been so swamped at work!! I've been coming in early and leaving late!! I love being busy!

On another note, I feel so bad...... Bryan is sick!!! He has a bad cold and has been stuck in bed! I think it is just God's way of slowing him down!!! He has been running himself ragged for a while now! He has been trying to help friends with vehicles and quads all while trying to fix his truck so it can run and fix our car that has no air conditioning!!!! Every weekend we have something to do so he doesn't even rest then! Plus he's going to school!! That boy is crazy!!! I love him!!!


Rich Angie said...

That boy IS crazy!! SO glad you're happy with your decision to stay at your office. Those choices are so tough to make sometimes...sounds like you made the right one!

Lacey T said...

Eeek! No a.c.? Brandon has the a.c. gauges and stuff if he needs help (being the nice wife I am, I bought them for him yrs ago as a V-Day present). Hope he feels better soon!