Friday, November 27, 2009

2 weeks!!

Holy crap!!! Now I am really freaking out!!! I only have 2 more weeks to go!! Holy cow! I had my cervix checked on Wednesday and I am 1 cm dilated and 50% thinned! So we are moving along! But wow am I starting to freak out! This thing moving in my stomach is soon going to be an actual baby!! Can't he just stay in there for another 9 months!!! I don't know if I'm ready!! Help!!!


Rich Angie said...

It's so scary, but so exciting at the same time! I know the feeling...not sure if you're ready. I don't think that goes away even after the baby's born ;) What do you need to feel more prepared? Time?

brooksybabe said...

It is coming so soon. Good luck with everything.