Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Storm

Ok so it's been a while... Bryan and I have officially moved back down to Mesa. We are living at the ASU Polytechnic campus in the family housing. We made our last trip up to Flag on Friday to get the last load and to pick up our Pathfinder. Flag had a huge snow storm while we were down here Tues, Wed and Thurs so when we got up there on Friday this is what our car looked like!!! It had at least 2 feet of snow on top! We had to dig it out!! I drove it home and I still had a little snow on top when I got here! It was crazy. I'm kind of glad we're not going to be living in the snow!


Rich Angie said...

Yeah, welcome home!! 3 miles from're funeral ;)

brooksybabe said...

I am so glad your back.