Friday, February 8, 2008


So Bryan has been sick since the middle of November but no body could figure out what he has had! His uvula has been swollen and his throat has almost constantly been hurting. We went to the Urgent Care twice and they gave us 2 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids. Then we went to the Emergency Room and they gave him another antibiotic and a shot of an anti-inflammatory. He would get better after the medicine then a week later be sick again. This has been going on for almost 3 months. We finally got into the ENT doctor and he has tonsillitis. Now Bryan has to have his tonsils taken out and his uvula has been so swollen for so long that it is perma-stretched so it has to be cut shorter! Isn't that crazy!!! Poor guy!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Overwhelmed with emotion

I finally showed some emotion on my parents divorce today. I have been keeping it inside and not letting any one know how I was feeling, not even Bryan. But I finally talked to him about it and cried. I don't know how to handle my conflicting thoughts and feelings. I know its for the best and I keep telling myself that its great, and it is! But I've come to the realization (with some help from Bry) that they are still my parents and I love them both very much. I am just struggling with knowing that my family will never be together and better. I guess I am just so used to them being together that them being apart is shocking. Does that make sense?