Wednesday, January 9, 2008

All moved in......

Today Bryan and I spent the day in Peoria moving my mom. She left my dad today. This was a long time coming and I am so proud of her!! She has an awesome apartment in a great part of town, close to shopping and food! What else can a girl ask for!! It's all very surreal. I never thought it would actually happen. I am so okay with it, I've actually been wanting her to leave for years. My dad hasn't been the nicest person to live with, to put it mildly. But I have to admit that it still feels very weird, I'm sure even more to my mom. I wish my mom all the best and I hope that she really takes advantage of this new life!


Lacey T said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your parents(even if it is a good thing in the end). I come from divorced parents and divorces are unfortunate. I hope you're doing okay. Feel free to call or e-mail if you wanna talk!

Rich Angie said...

Dude, this truly sucks, but I'm happy for her for taking this big step! And so glad that you're at peace with it...

Kasey said...

OMG! Hopefully everything will work out okay. So, we went to Flag over the weekend and thought of you guys. WE'd like to come and visit you guys sometime. I'm in love with Flag! Rocky thinks I'm crazy.

Heidi said...

Not a fun thing to go through even if it is for the best. If there is anything I can do let me know. Wish her the best!

Heidi said...

You have been tagged. Check out my blog for more info.